Benefit Fee “Minimum”: $40.00 regardless of water used or no water use. This is the total due per month that is used for the customer have the benefit or the access to water. This amount is what is associated with the cost of having people available and employed by the water district. Water: $9.03 per thousand of use WPF: Water Protection Fee. $0.032 (3.2cents) per thousand of water use. This fee is charged due to state law and is included in your per thousand-gallon use. Estimated Read Fee: $25.00 This fee is charged to the customer when RWD#3 personnel have to estimate the reading for the customers meter due to the fact of the customer not sending in a reading by the last week of the month or earlier. Late Fees: Payments after the due date marked on the bill are considered late, but we do allow for postal mark and delivery time. If your payment is not postmarked by the due date on the bill, it is considered late. All late payments will be assessed a 20% (of the amount due) addition fee to the account to be paid with next month’s bill. Reconnect Fee: $50.00 If a customer meter is locked up due to non-payment, $50.00 is charged to the customer to unlock the meter. This is to cover expenses accrued for the districts additional time. Sales Tax: Commercial accounts are charged sales tax but regular customers are not charged sales tax.
All fees assessed except for the WPF support the RWD #3 O&M (operations and maintenance) expenses.